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About SWMarines

Welcome to Dark Angel's Armada & Republic Marines.

Semper Fidelis
: "Always Faithful",  "Always Loyal

Imperial or Republic, Marines or Navy
We Still Fight For What We Feel is Right 
The Few, The Proud, and We are
The First To Fight!

Remember!  We are here to save their asses..Not to Kiss it!

A code of personal integrity, honor guides those who do the right thing when no one is looking. It is not only a duty, but also a distinction, as those who possess honor are held in honor. It's found in one's beliefs, but exhibited through one's actions. We are held to the highest of standards, ethically and morally. WE are expected to act responsibly in a manner befitting the title they've earned.


When other principles are tested, it's courage that prevents them from crumbling. It isn't ignoring fear, but being stronger than fear. Courage is the guardian of all other values. It is there when times are toughest, when difficult decisions have to be made.  It takes the form of mental, physical and ethical strength, and is found in the backbone of only the special ones.


Commitment is the spirit of determination found in every one of us. It is what compels us to serve our nation and the Corps, and to continue on when others quit. Commitment doesn't take breaks and it cannot be faked. It measures and proves one's desire, dedication and faithfulness.

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